Dr. UditaTyagi, President, csdishaa says “Over the years, csdishaa has earned the badge of trust with its transparent policies and earnest human endeavors. Whether it is a campaign or a drive to initiate a social change or reports of the financial resources, we have always been truthful and responsible. We have never hidden any fact. From time to time, we have taken to public domain to declare how our programmes function and how the organization works.”
Not only through social endeavors, but through our daily organizational mannerisms and financial management , we strive day in and day out to serve the people of our society and promote transparency at all levels of organizational structure. All of our financial functions are performed at and from our Office at Ghaziabad.
Our finance experts and law advisors make it sure that all transactions done through and on behalf of csdishaa adhere to existing government and legal policies, and to the regulations established by our society’s Statutory Body.
It may sound a bit philosophical, but csdishaa religiously abides by its responsibility of being answerable to not only the policy makers and law enforcers but to the people of India. Our sole existence is similar to that of a catalyst that increases the rate of change in the deep rooted mindsets that has stumbled down our progressive steps towards a cleaner, educative and fairer society. To make sure that we are doing the right thing right, we have adopted a robust accounting software that monitors and maintains the financial reports. With intelligent assistance from smart technological solutions, we have always made it sure that our financial reports are reliable comply to the regulatory features of our system.